Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim inbound!
Some people consider this a special day it being 11-11-11. Some say you should make a wish, some say it's going to be a lucky day; but for us gamer's it's Skyrim day! Just got my 360 copy and around 2 hours in so can't really say much but so far so good. It cost me PHP 2,000 for the 360 version in Datablitz and I got the NTSC-J version. No US version yet here so thank god my 360 is an asian unit. Is it region locked? I hear the NTSC-J is, the US might work for PAL units but that needs to be confirmed.
In the reviews coming from the critics - they seems to give double thumbs up for the 5th Elder Scrolls. Some even gave a bold statement of considering Skyrim a better game than Morrowind, that's huge believe me. It's literally Skyrim day as my Xbox 360 and PS3 friends list are showing mostly all are playing Skyrim. It feels worth the wait so far, so I'll end this post real quick and get back to being the Dragon Born...