Weekend, What are you playing?
it's a week before Christmas and traffic is at its worse right now. So why not avoid the horrible traffic by staying home and play some awesome games. What are you playing?
Quash: A few weeks back it was all Skyrim for me. This week, I took a break from all that RPG goodness and.....went for an MMO. Not much of a change considering the scale of Skyrim. Yes, with DC Universe Online free to play, I decided to give it another shot. So far, I'm having a blast. I actually liked the game when I bought it way back but the thought that I need to pay 15 bucks after the 1 months was a complete turn off. The game's content at the time was not worth the 15 month subscription. Now that my only turn off of the game is gone, I created a new character(Villain) and is currently at level 26. When I hit the max level which is 30, I'll start the tedious grind for gear so I can experience the end game content. I advise giving it a shot since its free to play anyways.