Bioshock Infinte finally has a release date
2k Games has finally given BioShock Infinite a release date. This four-year project of Irrational Games will be out on October 16, 2012 for the US and October 19 for the UK. This is one of the most highly anticipated game of 2012 and just like any other fan, I can't wait to get my hands on this game.
BioShock Infinite is set even before the events of the first BioShock. It has you playing as Booker Dewitt heading to the flying skies called "Columbia" in search for Elizabeth. The game looks amazing and if you haven't seen the demo given at last year's E3, your missing out. Take a look.
I love the BioShock series, and with how Infinite is turning out, it looks like it moving forward in the right direction. Again, BioShock Infinite will be out on October 16 in the US, and October 19 in the UK for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.