Dark Souls Artorias of the Abyss DLC now out on PSN and Xbox Live
Plan on jumping back to Dark Souls again? Well, From Software just released the Artorias of the Abyss DLC for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The DLC is the new content included in the Prepare to Die Edition for the PC. It includes new areas, bosses, armors, spells, and matchmaking for PVP.
I never thought I'd get excited for a DLC. I think the last time was Red Dead Redemption's 'Undead Nightmare' DLC that provided a whole new single player campaign. It will definitely be hard to get used to Dark Souls again, since the game isn't easy to begin with, but I've always wanted to jump back in and grab the platinum trophy. Now that Artorias of the Abyss is out, there's a bigger incentive for me to grab my copy off the shelf.
It will cost you $14.99/1200 MS points. Now this is real DLC, no armor pack dlc stuff that is just a waste.
Check out the link for a complete list of the added content.
Never played the game? Check out my review of Dark Souls, you will either appreciate the challenge it brings, or get frustrated from the constant deaths.