XCOM: Enemy Unknown reviews round-up
XCOM: Enemy Unknown reviews are now out in the wild. The remake of the 1994 classic strategy that shares the same name, is getting a lot of praise. Firaxis, creators of Civilization, wanted to reproduce the same XCOM game we grew to love, and it seems like they succeeded. Get the reviews below.
EuroGamer - 9/10
ComputerandVideoGames - 9.2/10
GameInformer - 9.5/10
Destructoid - 9/10
OfficialPlaystationMagazine - 9/10
Kotaku - "YES"
Joystiq - 4.5/5
StrategyInformer - 9/10
PC Gamer - 87/100
Gamespot - 8.5/10
1UP - A
PlaystationUniverse - 8.5/10
Did I miss anything? Hit the comments if there's any more reviews that's needed on the list.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown is now out in the US. No word when the game will hit Philippine shores, but my guess is October 12 (Friday) since that's considered the international release date.