Playstation Store redesigned, live right now
Just in case you didn't notice, the PS Store just got a major redesign update. I tried out the new layout and I like the new look. I never had an issue with the old design, but then again, they had that layout since the release of the online store. Guess the change was long overdue.
I've been tinkering it for quite a while now and it's definitely easier to navigate compared to the old one. Everything is neatly organized. They have also separated PS Vita and PSP content from PS3 content which is a big plus for me.
The search engine has been changed. When I was first playing around with it, I actually didn't get it at first, but as I got used to it, it was pretty easy to search through the store.What it does is when you enter the second letter in the search, the engine searches for all the possible content that start with the first two letters you added. As you add more letters, it eliminates the other letters that won't lead to any content on the store, leaving fewer letters to choose from but eventually getting closer to the content you are looking for, if it's there that is.
It looks like an entertainment for not only games but for music movies and apps, which I'm sure is what Sony was aiming for.
Give it a try right now and let us know what you think.