Playstation Plus subscribers getting Demon Souls for free this April
If there's one game that would make PlayStation Plus worth every penny, that is Demon Souls. An RPG that brought something fresh to the genre while making us cry from the countless deaths trying to progress. If you have PS Plus and haven't tried Demon Souls, I highly urge you start downloading and start the pain. You will love and hate it I assure you.
From Software's latest series is a good breather for people looking for something different. If you want a challenge with interesting combat mechanics, go for Demon Souls then try out its sequel Dark Souls for more punishment.
If Demon Souls is really not what you're looking for, Sony still has more to offer this April. Subscribers can look forward to downloading Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny, Malicious, Labyrinth Legends, and Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge during this month.
[Source: PS Blog US]