Recent Buys: Episode 25 - Absence of Injustice Arrow: Komplete Edition
/I haven't done one of these in a while mainly due to personal financials but here we have another episode of Recent Buys.
Grabbed myself 2nd hand copies of Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition and Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice, both for PS3. Thanks to South Rage Manila for hooking me up with those games. I also mention what game has currently been eating up a lot of my time and that is Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-hen (Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen z Hakai-hen) on the PSP.
When I recorded this, I just received my DLC code for the Arrow skin in Injustice: Gods Among Us from the show Arrow. The costume looks cool but I'm a little disappointed that Stephen Amell's voice is only used for the entrance, win and clash quotes while all the grunts are still generic Green Arrow voice clips.