Recent Buys: Episode 4 - Migoy finally goes HD

bayonetta you're a mystery Not only was I late to current gen gaming, I was also late to the HD party. That is no longer an issue as I finally bought an HDTV.

Shout-outs to my dad for hooking me up with the money for the tv as it was an early birthday gift from him to me so that's awesome. I got a Panasonic Viera 32" LCD TV (model TH-32C4X). It was going for 14,490php at Gamextreme, which is the same shop where I got the iCore Arcade Sticks. Games look amazing in HD. I can actually read stuff on screen now, legit. I've tried playing using both HDMI and Component cables. To stream and capture footage, we'd have to use the component cables because that's the input jacks of the capture box that we have. You can really tell the difference with how crisp the image output of HDMI compares to component but using component cables is still very playable.

panasonic viera

Aside from the new TV, I passed by Datablitz to get a game that's been on my waitlist even before I got a PS3. That game is Bayonetta, the flashy and sexy action game by Platinum Games. I've only gotten past the first level and you can really see the frame drops of the PS3 version compared to the smoother Xbox 360 version but I was still smiling the whole time. As a person who needs more single player games right now, I'm glad I finally picked this game up. I was lucky too as it was last copy that Datablitz had available. My copy of Bayonetta is an R1 release and went for 950php cash.

Today I hooked up the Wii to the new TV and set the output to 480p (the closest thing we'll get to HD Wii gaming that's not emulated). Tried out The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword which still looks really good but I can see why people complain about the Wii not being in HD. You can notice the jagged lines since the Wii has a lower resolution. Aside from Zelda, I also popped in Rhythm Heaven Fever. Since Rhythm Heaven Fever relies mostly on sprite animations, the jump from a CRT TV to an LCD TV wasn't that big of a difference but still having a bigger display just adds to the fun.


I'm saving up for a PS3 but I don't have a lot of time to play games nor do I have an HDTV to fully appreciate the beauty of todays graphic power houses. Money doesn't grow on trees you know. From the awesome Borderlands song 'Ain't no rest for the wicked', "I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, ain't nothing in this world for free". So you can tell I'm in a bit of a slump. Will getting a PS3 be really worth it? I know you might say "PS3 is stoopid! PSN is down! Go 360!" but thats not really the argument here.

I've been craving for a PS3 for a long time now but I only started saving for one around March and as time goes on, my hype for it decreases day by day. You may ask "Why the slump where there are so many awesome games out right now", I know all those awesome games are out there but its just that feeling when you're just not in the mood.

I'm just ranting now but the real reason I'm writing this is because I was reminded about a game that I've had my eye on even before its North American release. Instead of just telling you, I'll just show you.



Thank you Shinji Mikami. Thank you Hideki Kamiya. And thank you Platinum Games. You sure know how to motivate a guy. :D

Hideki Kamiya plays Bayonetta

"That ASS!"

Last year's over the top action brawler featuring the titullar Bayonetta is being played by the director of the game itself, Hideki Kamiya. We watch him play the game as he talks about the game's development and scenes during the gameplay.

Full English subtitled commentary videos will be posted on Platinum Games' site twice weekly.

The commentary videos can be found here.



Jazz Plus Gunboots

Videos games and music these days make and art form when done right. The right music in the right moments of a game add greatly to the emmersion and over all effect to the events playing out. Many tunes from RPGs, fighting games and countless other game genres have been burned into our brain and we giggle like little school girls and totally geek out when we hear someone use the victory theme from Final Fantasy VII or the codec ring from Metal Gear Solid as their message tone.

Who ever thought Jazzy tunes could go well with a highly violent and very stylized action game such as Bayonetta? After hearing "Myterious Destiny" play out for the first time in game when a group of angels appeared seemed perfect. As I slaughtered the baddies with my boot guns and older woman sexyness with that upbeat jazz playing, it was pure gaming bliss.

It just goes to show that any genre of music can go with any type of game as long as its executed in such a way that it just clicks when you hear it.

I heard it took a hundred man hours for the guys at Platinum Games to sculpt Bayonetta's ass.

