Don't forget about The Last Guardian, it's still coming, eventually...
Still remember The Last Guardian? That Playstation 3 exclusive that has been in development for the longest time? With Fumito Ueda now working on the game on a contract basis, fans were wondering on the state of the game. Well, Sony would like to assure the fans that the game is still going to happen. It's just taking long...
1up was able to have a quick interview with Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida during the DICE conference, and asks for an update for The Last Guardian. Yoshida said "The project has been making progress, but slow progress. So that's tough, but we haven't changed any focus. It's still a really important project and a vision we want to see realized, and Fumito's vision is really causing a very difficult challenge for the developers, so there's some scrapping and rebuilding -- iteration in the process. That's why [it's taking so long]."
The Last Guardian has been in production for around 6 years with the last three years with not much information of the game. The last info about the game was about Fumito Ueda leaving Sony, which makes speculations fly all over the place on the status of the game. Fumito Ueda is the creator of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
Finally some info about this game. It was brief, but at least the game is still alive. Still no information about the game's release but let's hope it comes out before the reveal of the Playstation 3's successor, yea?
[Source: 1up]