Killzone: Mercenary for Vita gets a release date and a new trailer
Killzone: Mercenary, Sony's Killzone title for the PS Vita, gets a new trailer and a release date. It will launch on September 17 in North America and Europe. More details and the trailer after the break.
Killzone: Mercenary is being developed over at Guerilla Cambridge (LittleBigPlanet portable) and will be using the Killzone 3 engine. It's set after the events of the first Killzone game and the players control mercenary and former UCA- soldier Arran Danner, who apparently is not on the Helghast or ISA side, he only thinks about his next paycheck.
The single player will contain nine missions each lasting about an hour-long. Multiplayer will be included of course and will support up to eight players (4v4) with six maps and three gameplay modes (Warzone, Team Deathmatch, Fee-For-All).
The FPS will have a currency system, where each kill and objective will reward the player money, which then can be used in the shop to buy new weapons, grenades, etc.
A Vita Killzone game was inevitable. Sadly none of the big franchises like COD or Assassin's Creed is seeing any success in the portable device, so hopefully Killzone entering the portable arena can fix that.
[Source: Gematsu]