Friendly reminder - The next Xbox will be revealed in three days

next-xbox-reveal-cover Just in case you missed it, Microsoft will be revealing the next Xbox on May 21 10AM PDT. A reveal of a new console is always exciting. PS4 was announced last February, and Nintendo has gone first with the next-gen race with the Wii U that's already available, now Microsoft is up next to show what they got and I'm really hoping it's not some Kinect integrated gimick.


You can get all the information right here, but if you're not up for doing one more click to get the information you need. Here's the important bits.

The event is scheduled to start at 10AM PDT in Redmond. Washington, and it should be around an hour-long. For us folks in the Philippines, 10AM PDT is actually 1AM on a Wednesday, May 22. So if you want to see the big reveal live, have a few more cups of coffee. If you're not in the Philippines, you can just check here to confirm when the event starts for you.

Now anything is up in the air to what the new Xbox will have. One thing is for sure is that it will be just as strong as the PlayStation 4. Will it actually be stronger? Well, I'll let the console fanboys duke it out when its official specs are shown. My worry though is that Microsoft might just integrate Kinect's features to their new console. How will that be, I'm just guessing, but I better not be forced to get a Kinect to fully utilize the console.

I'll be watching the event live on the net and will most likely be tweeting what I see like a madman through our twitter. I'll be updating this post once there are more sites or channels planning to live stream the event.

[UPDATE] - Twitch will have a  -

New Xbox will be revealed May 21

Xbox2013 With Sony now done revealing the PlayStation 4, and Nintendo already having the Wii U out on stores, everybody wondered when Microsoft will unveil their next console. Well, it's happening on May 21 in Redmond, Washington. 

Major Nelson confirmed that the reveal is indeed happening and will be broadcasted live on Xbox Liv, Sike TV, and It's going to be big just like the rest, but I'll have to consider May 21 the star of the next-generation war. With all the big three's next-gen consoles revealed, it's going to be a tough fight to win every costumers living room during this year's holidays. Plus, the talk of the new console won't stop there with E3 just a few weeks away.

The event is scheduled to start at 10AM in Redmond, Washington and is expected to last until an hour. For all the people in the Philippines, the event starts for us on the 22nd of May,and will start at 1AM. If you live somewhere else, you can check this for confirmation.

Will we see an Xbox combined with the Kinect? an Xbox that's required online at all times to do anything? We'll find out on May 21.