Mortal Kombat PS3 Region 3 online pass issues
/Well Mortal Kombat was released on time for us, but everybody in asia that bought the Playstation 3 region 3 copy of the new the game was welcomed with no online pass. It was a complete fail on who supplies region 3 copies. Well i finally got my online pass from where i got the game and i suggest whoever is still waiting for their code to bother the hell out of where you bought the game.
The new Mortal Kombat implemented an Online Pass which is needed to play the game online. One copy of the game has one online pass included. It is used to discourage selling the game to other gamers so if you buy Mortal Kombat from a friend you'll need to cough up some money to be able to play online.
I posted about this the day I noticed I wasn't the only one having no online pass. The supplier simply 'forgot' to add the online codes when they shipped the copies and stores in the Philippines are getting their online pass codes now. I don't know about other countries but over here stores like i-tech and Datablitz are fixing this issue by getting the online codes from the supplier and giving it to all who bought the R3 version of the game.
Just remember to have your receipt ready if they have any questions. I gave them a call when i heard from a friend that he received his code, they simply told my code via phone. They were about to email me but i beat them to it.
If your store's won't help you, i suggest you email Warner Bros directly. You can use the customer service or also email them here:
I emailed them too and they answered asking me to give a clear photograph of the front of the game case, the back of the caser for the bar code below and the game disc itself. This i think is the first step if you decide to go this route, I didn't continue with this since the store i got the game from already informed me that they will provide the code when it's available.
We also heard that online codes for Region 3 will be activated next week, can't confirm if this is true since i have the game on Playstation 3 and PSN is down right now.