Legend of Callasia Expansion Reaches Kickstarter Funding Goal In Less Than 24 Hours

After Legend of Callasia was released barely a month ago, Boomzap Entertainment placed another Kickstarter campaign for the strategy game's first expansion. With still 20 days left in the campaign as of this writing, Legend of Callasia: Stoneborne expansion is now fully funded! Dwarves inbound!

The Stoneborne expansion will include new heroes, cards, maps, and campaigns for the formerly non-playable Dwarves faction. The campaign will follow the factions fight against the new enemy called the Cavespawn.

Boomzap set the funding goal for the Kickstarter campaign to $2,500 and was easily met. Pledges start at $5, and the minimum amount already grants you access to the Stoneborne expansion well as a shout out in the game's c, but take note that the minimum does not include the main game.

Will tried out the game when it was released and gave his impressions on the strategy game during episode #132 of the TMG Podcast

Legend of Callasia was released on July 1 and is available on Steam for P629.95. A demo is available for free on Steam if you'd like to give the game a try before jumping in. You can check out all the details on the Stoneborne expansion Kickstarter Campaign here.