Ratatan Kickstarter Campaign Reaches 18 Stretch Goals, Livestream Announced

Ratatan Kickstarter Campaign Reaches 18 Stretch Goals, Livestream Announced

Developer Ratata Arts announced that the Kickstarter campaign for the Patapon spiritual successor game Ratatan is doing extremely well as with less than 48 hours left in the campaign, they’ve cleared 18 stretch goals with over $1.2 million in pledges. To celebrate the campaign’s closure, the team announced a livestream on their official Twitch channel.

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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Delayed To 2019, Vita Version No More

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Delayed To 2019, Vita Version No More

Also mentioned in the update is the news that the planned PlayStation Vita version is no more. Igarashi explained that it was no longer feasible" due to Sony's plans to discontinue the Vita console.

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Legend of Callasia Expansion Reaches Kickstarter Funding Goal In Less Than 24 Hours

After Legend of Callasia was released barely a month ago, Boomzap Entertainment placed another Kickstarter campaign for the strategy game's first expansion. With still 20 days left in the campaign as of this writing, Legend of Callasia: Stoneborne expansion is now fully funded! Dwarves inbound!

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