You Can Download The Monster Hunter: World Beta Right Now
/Monster Hunter World's PS Plus exclusive beta still kicks off this Saturday but you can start downloading the beta to prepare for the weekend.
It's around 5.9GB in size and you simply have to go to Monster Hunter World's page in PSN to find the beta. No issues on my Asia account but it should be visible to all regions.
Monster Hunter World's Anjanath
Monster Hunter World's Barroth
Monster Hunter World's Great Jargas
The beta will consist of three quests across two environments: the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. In the Ancient Forest, beta players can take on Great Jagras and the Anjanath. In the Wildspire Waste, you'll have the Barroth to hunt down. The game will require you to be online when you play the beta but the quests available can be completed solo or with up to three other players. Capcom announced that completing all the missions in the beta will earn "some useful bonus items" for the full game when it comes out next month.
A training area will be available as well for those eager to test out the 14 different weapon types that will be available during the weekend event.
The beta begins on Saturday, December 9, at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM. This looks to be the same content available when we tried out the game at ESGS 2017 but this time around we have the whole weekend to play compared to the time limit provided on the show floor.
Monster Hunter World will be available on January 26, 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. A Monster Hunter World limited edition PS4 was also announced by PlayStation and will be available at the end of January.