Dead by Daylight Shrine of Secrets Perks for November 16 - November 22 2022

Dead by Daylight’s Shrine of Secrets is an in-game store that gives players the chance to unlock perks from Survivors or Killers still unavailable for them and the offers lasts for a whole week. This week offers the perks Breakout, Spirit Fury, Sprint Burst, and Zanshin Tactics. A decent offering this week. Here’s a quick rundown of each perk available from November 16, 2022 until November 22, 2022.

Dead by Daylight Shrine of Secrets perks for November 16 to November 22, 2022

To unlock a perk through the Shine of Secrets, you’ll need to spend Iridescent Shards per perk. Tier 1 perks can cost 2,000 shards but higher tiers can cost higher.

Both sides have something worth considering this week, especially for beginners.

Killer Perks

Spirit Fury - After breaking 4/3/2 Pallets, Spirit Fury will be available. The next time you are stunned by a Pallet, the entity will instantly break it. The normal stun will still apply. After the entity breaks a pallet, Spirit Fury deactivates.

Zanshin Tactics - The auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 24/28/32 meters.

Survivor Perks

Sprint Burst - When you run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running movement speed for 3 seconds. You’ll be affected by the Exhausted status for 60/50/40 seconds. (you can’t use Sprint Burst while Exhausted)

Breakout - When within 6 meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste effect, moving at an increased speed of 5/6/7%. The Survivor carried by the Killer near you will have their Wiggling speed increased by 20%.

Which perks are worth getting this week?

This is a fun list of perks for both sides. For Survivors, Sprint Burst is the least attractive simply because every player has access to Meg, and it would be best to just player the Survivor to naturally unlock this perk for the rest of the player’s roster. Definitely a must-have, especially in the current meta.

The second Survivor perk on offer is also a fun one. Breakout can be situational but with enough practice and coordination with a player or two, you can catch the Killer at a disadvantage if they go for the pick up. Just pay attention how close you are with the killer, as 6 meters can result in an easy hit for the killer if you’re not paying attention.

For Killer, both perks this week are worth considering. Zanshin Tactics is a perk I would recommend for new killers not familiar with most maps currently in offer. Information as to where pallets are will give you the insight on how to handle a specific chase.

Lastly, we have Spirit Fury, a crazy good perk when paired with the right Killer. It’s best to get the tier 3 of this perk as soon as possible as it activating after 2 pallets will bring you more value in the long run. This will catch Survivors off guard most of the time, cutting chases real short.

Dead by Daylight’s Shrine of Secrets reset every Wednesday at 12 AM UTC / 8 AM GMT +8.

Chapter 26 of Dead by Daylight was also revealed this week and will go live on November 22. PTB for this Chapter is already up, allowing players to try out the new killer The Knight, the new survivor perks, and the map The Shattered Square.