Destiny 2 Guide - The “God Rolls” for the Season of the Deep Seasonal Weapons
/Destiny 2 is now on its 21st season with Season of the Deep, and it features seasonal Taken weapons that are craftable once you earn enough Deepsight Resonance for any of the weapons available.
The information found below can be subject to change as we spend more time with these weapons or if there are sudden weapon or perk changes throughout the season.
Perks in the first and second perks usually vary as most of the value of a particular weapon is in the third and fourth columns. With that in mind, this guide will focus on the third and fourth columns and will occasionally mention any first and second perk recommendations if needed.
The Season of the Deep Seasonal Weapon God Rolls
This season’s seasonal weapons look amazing but not the best in terms of effectiveness if you compare previous offerings. This took longer than usual as after hours of grinding and testing, I’ve come to the conclusion that I only see a couple of weapons worth crafting or even using in certain situations.
Here are all the perk combinations I suggest hunting for in each weapon.
Rapacious Appetite (SMG)
This 750 RPM aggressive frame SMG isn’t going to be placed as one of the best SMGs currently available in the game but it is definitely a solid choice if you need an SMG to pair with your Stasis builds. As for the gun itself, it feels great for PvE encounters for clearing, though I wouldn’t suggest this on PvP as it doesn’t come close to competing against others like the Immortal even after it was nerfed. Also, it doesn’t have an interesting perk pool for PvP to begin with.
Fourth Time’s the Charm and Target Lock - Great combination when clearing red bar enemies and focusing on yellow bar targets. Though this combination will struggle due to the gun naturally lacking stability.
Perpetual Motion and Target Lock/Frenzy - Talking about Stability, this SMG will benefit greatly with Perpetual Motion activated. For the fourth column perk, either Target Lock or Frenzy are great choices for increasing its damage.
Perpetual Motion and Headstone - This combination isn’t too bad as well as it greatly pairs with Stasis builds.
A Distant Pull (Sniper Rifle)
This 140 RPM sniper rifle is feeling better the more I use it, especially with the recent damage buff Sniper Rifles received in Season of the Deep. A nice mix of PvE and PvP perks to consider if you choose to pick up the craftable version of the gun.
Triple Tap and Focused Fury - Great combination for quick damage with it being a 140 RPM sniper rifle. With enough precision hits, Triple Tap can give so much value in the long run.
Ambitious Assassin and Explosive Payload - Good synergy as you can go nuts with this gun after your first reload after a series of hits.
Moving Target and Opening Shot - A nice combination that would greatly help for a quick snipe right after switching.
Tunnel Vision and Killing Wind - a perk combination that buffs you in mobility, handling, range, and aim assist. right after your first kill.
Different Times (Pulse Rifle)
This 540 RPM Pulse Rifle is a decent pulse rifle if that’s your weapon of choice for PvE encounters. It won’t impress you to the point that it will overshadow other top-performing pulse rifles, but it’s definitely worth considering as this is a Strand type. There’s not many around at the moment.
Outlaw/Subsistence and Hatchling/Adrenaline Junkie - Outlaw is usually a no-brainer when it comes to pulse rifles and with it being a Strand weapon, it’s only right to have Hatchling since you are going for precision hits to get the most out of both perks. Subsistence is a good second for the third column for less downtime.
Moving Target/Outlaw and Headseeker - Moving target will make this rapid-fire feel great while in a firefight and pairing it with Headseeker could make or break a fight. Outlaw is also a good choice to keep you in the fight faster.
Until Its Return (Shotgun)
This is where I had the toughest time as I struggled to find a solid perk combination that would make me consider spending resources in making the crafted version as there are far better choices in either Pve or PvE activities. The perk combinations below are fun to use but will still struggle at more difficult encounters. Not recommended for PvP.
Auto-Loading Holster and Cascade Point - Synergizies well as the moment you have cascade point at the ready you can swap to an already loaded shotgun thanks to Auto-Loading Holster and go to town with the increase in fire rate from Cascade Point after getting a kill with another weapon, likely your primary.
Threat Detector and Trench Barrel - Nice buff to stats when surrounded thanks to Threat Detector and trying to clear multiple targets at once. You need to get a melee kill to get the most out of Trench Barrel, which you’ll likely do anyway if you are surrounded.
Targeted Redaction (Hand Cannon)
Hand Cannons are in a weird place in PvE content but does well in the PvP space, which is why this isn’t the best Hand Cannon for PvP as the perk pool is more friendly to PvE. The big plus is that it’s a Void weapon as Void is again getting some love due to this season’s Artifact perks.
Outlaw/Triple Tap and Destabilizing Rounds - With the current Artifact giving perks like Unto the Breach and Protective Breach, Destabilizing Rounds feel amazing right now as any target near the target you killed will be volatile, meaning their death will cause a Void explosion. If you really need to use a hand cannon, this would be your best bet for red bar clearing. Triple Tap for the third column is a close second.
Thin Precipice (Sword)
Another weapon that’s hard to recommend to use your crafting resources on as the current perk pool didn’t push me to not consider other solid swords currently available in the game. But it does have an interesting perk pool that might change my mind with further testing as the season continues.
Tireless Blade and Chain Reaction - A safe and effective combination as Tireless Blade is for sustaining your sword charges while Chain Reaction just makes everything around you explode. Great for clearing.
Unrelenting/Tireless Blade and Hatchling/Collective Action - Regardless, it’s unique to have something like Hatchling or Collective Action in this weapon type, so it’s worth considering having one. Unrelenting or Tireless Blade are good choices to either sustain you or keep yourself swinging while you gain the benefits from the new perks.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.