Diablo Immortal Is Getting the Terror's Tide Major Update This Week
/Blizzard announced that their free-to-play action RPG Diablo Immortal will be receiving a major update on December 14 called Terror’s Tide. Players will get to explore a new zone called Stormpoint, five new Legendary Gems, and more.
Stormpoint will be for players that have reached at least Hell Difficulty III and is level 60, and has completed the Starsign quest. The new area will feature 20 new monsters as well as a main storyline.
The Terror’s Tide update also adds Hell Difficulty VI, VII, and VIII. There will also be a Below Server Paragon system that is designed to help players get ready for the new zone Stormpoint. When the update goes live, expect these Server Pagaron Level changes:
All servers below a Server Paragon Level of 320 will be set to a Server Paragon Level of 320.
The maximum Experience rewards for being below Server Paragon Level has been increased from 400% to 800%.
The chance to receive Legendary and Set items as a drop has been increased by 250% for players far below the Server Paragon Level—as a player gets closer to Server Paragon Level, these increased drop rates will decrease.
Progression is expanding in this update as three new Paragon Trees will be introduced, and they are Massacre, Brawler, and Duelist.
As for the new Legendary Gems, here’s what each one does.
Heartstone (One-Star Gem): The duration of your absorb shields are increased by 36% and they also reduce the duration of Loss of Control effects by 24% while active.
Kir Sling (Two-Star Gem): You have a 15% chance when attacked to release a burst of light that Blinds all nearby enemies, reducing their vision and causing total Loss of Control for four seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds. You also deal 14% increased damage to Blinded enemies.
Volatility Shard (Two-Star Gem): When you defeat an enemy you trigger a volatile explosion dealing 90% base damage + 365 to all nearby enemies while granting yourself 8% increased damage for two seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every six seconds.
Concentrated Will (Five-Star Gem): Using a Dash skill calls a guardian angel to your aid, unleashing a blast of holy light in your direction dealing 135% base damage + 547 to all enemies in the path. When the guardian angel returns to the High Heavens, it blesses you, increasing your damage and Movement Speed by 16% for two seconds. Cannot occur more often than once every six seconds.
Hellfire Fragment (Five-Star Gem): Using a skill conjures three hellfire blazes around you to seek out enemies within six yards, exploding on them dealing 108% base damage + 510 to all nearby enemies. Enemies struck by multiple hellfire blazes take 50% additional damage from subsequent hits. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
The update also adds a new Helliquary (raid content) called Voidwound Helliquary. Raid content will have some major changes as well, such as each Helliquary Raid can now be soloed across all difficulties to how Hell Difficulties will unlock.
It’s a big update, but rightfully so as this will be the last update for Diablo Immortal in 2022 due to it being the holidays. Expect new updates for the game in early January 2023.
[Source: Blizzard Blog]
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