Helldivers 2 - This PS5 Matchmaking Workaround Somehow Works
/Helldivers 2, the third-person co-op shooter by Arrowhead Games Studios launched a couple of days ago but is experiencing a rough launch as the matchmaking for PC and PS5 is having issues as it’s rather difficult to group up with other players through the Quick Play option in the game.
The developers are aware of the issue and have released a hotfix for the game on the PC with the PS5 version soon to get a similar matchmaking fix.
Until Arrowhead releases a more solid fix for the matchmaking issues, players will be struggling to play the game solo if they don’t have friends eager to group up as this game was designed for group play more than anything.
What’s the current issue?
So far, it looks like SOS beacons while on a mission aren’t working as intended as I have yet to see a player join a game during a mission. The Quick Play feature also doesn’t work as I and many others get an error when trying to join another person’s game.
Is there a workaround for PS5 matchmaking until then?
Weirdly enough, there is, and it is a more tedious method to get a full group going. I’m playing on the PS5 and I’m on my wits end to make matchmaking work for me until I found a Reddit user pointing out a method to fill up your party with random fellow Helldivers.
User Brave_Low_2419 pointed out that the best way to get a group going is to pick a mission to a point where the Hellpods are available to use, then wait for players to flood in and enter your ship. It also helps that you turn off crossplay with PC.
We’ve tried this multiple times and for the most part, it works most of the time. If it doesn’t, we usually restart the game and redo the process until we get a full group going.
Once you have a full group, do the mission to completion, and if your group is interested in doing more missions, you can play with the same group until someone drops off.
If you lose the group you were playing with, its best you restart the game as I have yet to find another batch of players after the the last group with this method.
If you’re having matchmaking issues on PC, you can try this method and hopefully you can get full groups.
It’s not an ideal process to play with a group, but it’s something until the developers have fixed the troublesome matchmaking.
The biggest issue right now from what we are experiencing is that finding a game through Quick Play seems to be difficult at moment. It’s not clear if crossplay is to blame or the whole matchmaking system, but at least for now, the PS5 version of the game is currently having the most issues compared to the PC.
We’ll update this post once Arrowhead Games Studios has released an update.
Helldiers 2 is now available on PS5 and PC.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.