Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt Guide - the Nosferatu Saboteur

Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood hunt is now available and one of the archetypes you can play in this battle royale is the Saboteur, a trapper that’s part of the Nosferatu clan. Here’s a quick overview and guide of all you need to know about this archetype.

The Saboteur archetype

The Saboteur is one of the seven archetypes available in Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood hunt and is the best archetype to choose if placing traps and getting a jump on enemies is your preferred playstyle. With the ability to drop multiple gas traps and remain invisible, you can easily plan ahead and lure players into an unfavorable position if they choose to engage you in a fight. 

Saboteur Clan Powers


The Saboteur’s power to quickly chase your prey or disengage in a fight. This ability turns you into this green mist and you have increased movement speed for the duration of the power. When you have this power active, it can be difficult for other players to know where you are going, but be mindful that they can still hear your footsteps and can still shoot you if they know exactly where you are. 

Sewer Bomb

This power lets Saboteur plan a proximity bomb that goes off the moment a player steps into the bomb’s radius. When it triggers, it goes off and deals 25 damage to anyone near the explosion. It then leaves a lingering poison cloud that constantly damages anyone in it for 25 seconds. You can place a total of three traps, and when you place a fourth one, the first trap you placed will despawn. 

Unseen Passage (Passive)

The Saboteur’s passive power allows players to go nearly invisible after crouching for 2 seconds. Any action — such as standing up, using other powers, firing your weapon, or using consumables — will deactivate the passive. The only thing you can do while Unseen Passage is active is reload your weapons or switch between them. It’s a great tool if you need to hide and pair well when you’re planning to ambush unexpected players with your traps. 

Saboteur Archetype Blood Resonance

In Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood hunt, a player can have a total of seven (7) Blood resonances slots, meaning, a player can only max out two of the three blood resonances available to a player. 

Phlegmatic Blood Resonance (Aqua)

The Phlegmatic blood resonance will reduce the cooldown of your Sewer Bomb by 10%/25%/50%. A good choice if you want to maintain three traps active at all times. Not a top priority to max out in the early stages of a match but you will definitely find more value from it in the endgame when there’s limited space left and you’re hoping to secure multiple pathways as soon as possible. 

Melancholic Blood Resonance (Purple)

With the Melancholic blood resonance, a Saboteur can decrease the cooldown of their Vanish Power, something that should be considered as a top priority for a Saboteur as this gives you a lot more options during engagements. This resonance will reduce the cooldown of Vanish by 10%/25%/50%. At max, your Vanish will be available to you in 12 seconds after using it, compared to 24 seconds without any Melancholic blood resonance active. 

Sanguine Blood Resonance (Pink)

The Sanguine blood resonance gives players a passive healthy recovery of 1/2/4, and is something I would put as a low priority as this blood resonance is better paired for more aggressive archetypes. The only time you should pick this up is if you’re low on blood packs and syringes, and you have a few slots to spare as you enter the late game. 

Choleric Blood Resonance (Orange)

The Blood Resonance that increases your melee damage by 10%/25%/50%. Another good option to use your Blood Resonance slots since it can make you more lethal when ambushing a player with Sewer Bomb and Unseen Passage.

Saboteur Archetype Perks

Perks in Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood hunt feel like it aims to support a specific playstyle. For Saboteur, Melancholic and Phlegmatic are top choices as it reduces Vanish and Sewer Bomb respectively. But a Saboteur can find value when using Physician, Athlete, and Creeper.

Here’s the full list of perks available for the Saboteur.

Bandolier - Start with extra ammo and ammo capacity. Unlocks at archetype level 1

Athlete - Wall climbing becomes faster. Unlocks at archetype level 18. 

Creeper - Walking speed when crouching is increased. Unlocks at archetype 20.

Impervious - Immunity from the red gas for a short duration after entering it. Unlocks at archetype level 12.

Melancholic - Star with 2 Melancholic blood resonance. Unlocks at archetype level 3.

Phlegmatic - Start with 2 Phlegmatic blood resonance. Unlocks at archetype level 10. 

Physician - Feeding grants a blood bag. Unlocks at archetype level 16.

Survivor - regenerate from a downed state 20% faster. Unlocks at archetype level 14.

Veteran - Reload 10% faster. Unlocks at archetype level 6. 

Saboteur final thoughts

I’ve played a good amount of the Saboteur since Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood hunt launched at the end of April and the archetype can really put you in favorable engagements with key Sewer Bomb placements and proper use of its passive. It definitely has a more defensive or campy approach, which I found fun as I found success in picking out players hoping to get some loot from areas like a weapon store or a pharmacy, but only to be greeted by a Sewer Trap exploding in front of them and a Saboteur ready to finish the job. 

The only issue is when a Saboteur gets ambushed themselves, there’s not much options available to them as all you have is to simply win the gunfight or Vanish to safety. 

Interested in other guides on Vampire: The Masquerade - Blood Hunt? Check out our guide for the Venture Enforcer.