Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Hands-On Preview - A simple but charming adventure

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Hands-On Preview - A simple but charming adventure

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is releasing this year and is a spin-off prequel title set in the same world as Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. I was fortunate enough to play the opening hours of Rising and this city-building action RPG has its charms.

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You can play as Ringu’s Sadako in Dead by Daylight this March

You can play as Ringu’s Sadako in Dead by Daylight this March

The next chapter in Dead by Daylight is coming this March and it features the cult-classic Japanese horror movie series Rungu, or The Ring for some. Titled ‘Sadako Rising’, this chapter includes the one and only Sadako as a playable killer and Yoichi Asakawa as the new survivor.

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Running around an NPC in Pokemon Arceus triggers a funny glitch

Running around an NPC in Pokemon Arceus triggers a funny glitch

Players have been playing Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the latest Pokémon title that has taken a few changes in the typical Pokémon formula for it to stand out. Open world games are always buggy in one way or another but this particular bug/glitch is rather scary to look at, especially when you keep triggering it.

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Pokémon Legends Arceus Review - Pokémon takes little baby steps into innovation

Pokémon Legends Arceus Review - Pokémon takes little baby steps into innovation

It really is a testament to the strength of Arceus’ core mechanics that the bland, uninspired environments, lack of trainer battles, and unfinished feel of the game in general don’t completely sink the experience. but I can safely say that in spite of its many faults, Pokemon Legends: Arceus is the most fun I’ve had with a Pokemon title since the days of Diamond and Pearl on the DS.

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The big games releasing in February 2022

The big games releasing in February 2022

It’s now February 2022 and I’ve never seen this month packed with big games releasing so close to each other during the shortest month of the year. There’s a lot to look forward to, but here are the big games to keep an eye on.

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