Mega Man Legends 3 back in development
Oh thank God! Mega Man Legends 3 was my solid reason for even thinking of getting a3DS (c'mon, you know Nintendo is gonna release a better version).
Sure Ocarina of Time 3D looks sexy as hell and Super Street Fighter IV is one hot game in such a small portable package but so far no other 3DS game announcement has gotten me so hyped for the system until Keijin Inafune announced the Legends 3 will be on it.
From Destructoid;
In the wake of the earthquakes which have plagued Japan, many games were delayed or even outright canceled. Mega Man Legends 3, its development status already in question, is one of the games for which development was brought to a screeching halt following the disaster on March 11. Now, Capcom producer Tatsuya Kitabayashi has confirmed in a blog post on the Rockman DASH3 website that progress is once again being made on the project.
That's great news. I still have my doubts as to whether or not this game will see the light of day but I take comfort wherever I can.
Greetings Resume [Rockman DASH3 Project blog via andriasang - Thanks, Zetta!]