A Final Fantasy rhythm game?
This week's Jump magazine showed off a very unique looking Final Fantasy game. Now I know many of you will argue that half of most of the Final Fantasy experience is the music. But the music has always been in the background, indirectly fueling the heat of battle or soothing your soul when you wander around town.
Square Enix is looking to bring the music to the forefront this time in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy. The game is said to contain the traditional dungeon-crawling, town-wandering, monster battling but with a musical twist.
From the picture, the game looks to incorporate the characters' 'Dissidia' look. If you take a gander at the title, you'll even see Cosmos and Chaos.
The game is hitting Nintendo 3DS at an as-yet unspecified time. This sounds like the sort of game that is weird enough to just stay in Japan and be forgotten by the West, but last month Siliconera spotted that Square Enix had filed a trademark for the name "Theatrhythm" in Europe and North America, suggesting the game will see a worldwide release.
Via [Siliconera]