Bioshock Infinite E3 gameplay demo coming soon..
During this year's E3, Bioshock Infinite made an appearance but only revealed a new trailer to the public, not a new demo. A 15 minute demo was showcased in their E3 booth for people to try out but was hidden in closed doors. Now, their finally revealing the demo shown at E3 2011 in Spike TV on July 7th, and together with that announcement, they give us a small teaser of that 15 minute demo.
oh the hype! the game looks amazing. The creators of Bioshock has left Rapture for now and created a whole new world again but instead of an underwater city, a floating city up in the air called Columbia.
Sadly this is set for a 2012 release so we'll have to wait months before we get our hands on Bioshock Infinite. It's cool though, since we have tons of games to keep us busy this 2011. But if you haven't played Bioshock 1 or 2, you guys should definitely check it out. You won't regret it, especially the first game.