Weekend, what are you playing?
September is almost over and I'm sure everyone is saving up for all the October releases but for this weekend, what are you playing?
Migoy: Been busy these past few Saturdays so I haven't been doing much weekend gaming. And with the analog stick of my PSP-3000 on the fritz, it looks like I'll have to pass by the shop before getting down to my usual portable gaming. I have been getting the urge to play some old Mega Man Legends again after having a 3DS discussion with my cousins and mentioning the cancellation of Legends 3 so I might revisit the digger adventures of Megaman Volnutt. I think I also still have my copy of The Misadventure of Tron Bonne lying around here somewhere.
Arlie: Same with Migoy, I also haven't played that much this week either, because I've been busy with the site migration and improving the site. I'm still playing Dead Island, I'm more of a completionist so I want to finish all of the possible side quests and experience every possible scenario in one play through before I move on to the story. I heard that the final DLC for Red Dead Redemption, Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack which you can grab for free have been released so I also might play a little online multiplayer of RDR this weekend.
Quash: Dead island still, waiting for the release of Gears of War 3 so I'm going through my second playthrough with Purna this time and hopefully get my first character Logan to 50. It's a good game, but a very buggy one. Didin't experience anything game breaking at the moment but believe me, there are.