Let it begin. LET IT BEGIN! It's Cross Assault, baby!
Capcom's Cross Assault is a reality based on their latest fighting game Street Fighter x Tekken. Two teams consisting of 5 member each with one team representing Street Fighter and the other representing Tekken will go head on competing for the grand prize of $25,000.
As of this post the streams have just started on three channels. Capcom Unity will be the main channel for during events and whatnot, TeamSp00ky will be streaming the side of team Street Fighter and iPlayWinner for team Tekken.
Each team has their own respective coach, Street Fighter veteran Alex Valle will be coaching for the Street Fighter side and for the Tekken side we got the heavy metal Santa Claus, Kayo Police's husband to be, Aris Bakhtanians from AvoidingthePuddle.
The show will be airing live on the streams from February 22, 2012 to February 28, 2012. Which side will you be rooting for? team Street Fighter or team Tekken?
Street Fighter x Tekken comes out in North America on March 6th and if you aren't already hyped for the game then this is the perfect show to boost that hype meter to its max!
Watch live video from Capcom-Unity on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from teamsp00ky on www.twitch.tv
Watch live video from IPLAYWINNER on www.twitch.tv
All 3 stream are also viewable on IGN along with the daily schedule of events at http://crossassault.ign.com/.