Ni no Kuni gets an English trailer
Namco Bandai released the first trailer for Ni No Kuni's english port. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a Playstation 3 exclusive, and is about a boy discovering a whole new world and embarks on a journey to bring his mother back from the dead. If you are a fan of Japanese RPG's, then you might want to check this out.
Excited for it? Sadly, it's set for an early 2013 release. That's quite a long wait for a game released in Japan last November. It's just translating the game into english, but then again I don't really know the process of how it's done. The official site for the game has been launch if you wish to check it out.
The gameplay of Ni no Kuni has a strong resemblance of Pokemon but with the characters also being involved in the fight. Just to give you guys a better picture, Below is gameplay footage back in 2011 before it was released in Japan.
13 minute gameplay