PS Plus members get free Starhawk single player campaign and new discounts on next update
This week, the PSN Store is getting updated with new content for PS Plus members. If you haven't played Starhawk, now here's your chance. PS Plus members can download and play the singplayer campaign of Starhawk for free. Not only that, members get all of the game's DLC that has been released so far, free of charge. This, and the usual game discounts that come with the membership. Have you heard of a game called Tokyo Jungle?
Discounts coming to PS members on this update are for two very unusual games. Tokyo Jungle and Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit priced at $14.99 each will cost PS members $11.99 insteast thanks to the 20% discount.
Oh and just in case why I called the two discounted games "unusual", have a look at their trailers below. Unusual is not bad, it's actually refreshing at times.
Tokyo Jungle
I might buy Tokyo Jungle with an even lower priced. Just because I can actually play as a deer and hunt as a Pomeranian dog. What will Japanese developers create next?
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
[Source: Playstation Blog US]