Latest God of War: Ascension trailers focuses on multiplayer
We all know the upcoming God of War is a prequel that has multiplayer. The latest trailers for Ascension focuses on multiplayer showing the perks your warrior can earn when they sell their soul to one of the four gods; Zeus, Hades, Ares, and Poseidon. Revealed so far are Zeus and Ares, check the trailers below.
Zeus Trailer
Ares Trailer
Where's the latest footage of the single player campaign? I have no clue. It appears that Santa Monica Studios want to focuses on show casing the multiplayer aspect of the game first before anything else. God of War having multiplayer just doesn't make much sense, and I'm sure we have a lot of questions about it, which is why I believe they went on with advertising this first before revealing any more info about the single player' campaign.
We can't say Sony haven't shown any single player content though. A gameplay demo was revealed at this year's E3 and while it was not as impressive as the God of War 3 demo in the past, it's good to see Kratos back in action spilling blood all over the place.
I still have my doubts, some games just don't need multiplayer, and God of War is one of them.
God of War: Ascension comes out next year March 12, 2013 exclusively on the Playstation 3.