Weekend! What are you playing?

metro-2033_01It's the weekend again! Early in the week Dead Space 3 came out and I'm sure a bunch of you guys are playing it. Sadly, that's not my game of choice, but the game I plan to tackle this weekend does share the same atmosphere in some way. Instead of space, the terror is deep below the metro system of Moscow. What are you playing this weekend?

Carlos: This weekend I'm hell-bent on finally finishing Metro 2033. I played this game and loved every minute of it, but thanks to my PC's hard drive dying on me, my Metro 2033 save file went with it. I'm a sucker for survival horror and this one fits the bill perfectly. I'm going to start my new playthrough and hopefully I get to finish it this time by the end of the week. Oh and of course, I'm planning to do a bit more Guild Wars 2 because dailies are evil.


Migoy: Gotta do some more training in Persona 4 Arena and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. I can hold my own in P4A online ranked but I just want to get better and learn some new stuff. As for Tekken Tag 2, I really need to up my game.  The online world of Tekken Tag 2 is relentless and cruel. With people bringing in their Tekken 6 tech and discovering new things with the tag mechanics, this is a game that I can't scrub my way through.

As for the single player stuff, I actually have a lot of backlog. I just don't feel like playing any of them at the moment though I should probably finish the games that I borrowed from friends. Mainly Batman: Arkham Asylum. It's not that I don't like the game. I just don't find the combat as interesting as everyone says it is. I guess I've just been spoiled by Bayonetta and the DMC series when it comes to action games.