I just saw something amazing - Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon trailer!
When I first heard about this, I thought it was part of the April fools prank lineup from Ubisoft, but to our surprise it's no joke. This is no DLC, no expansion, just a standalone open world game filled with awesome. You play as Sgt. Rex Power Colt, a cyborg commando played by The Terminator and Aliens star Michael Biehn and....argh! screw the introductions! Have a look at the trailer below!
An 80's themed cyborg game? Why the hell not! From what we know so far, this game doesn't require the original Far Cry 3 game, and will be available through PSN, XBLA, and PC. With regards to the connection to Far Cry 3? From the looks of it, it's only the game's open world nature. Price is rumored to hit the $15 and if it has the right amount of content in it, by god this is a great buy.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon will be available on PSN, XBLA, and PC on May 1