Pandora's Tower teaser trailer

mutant chick With this, Operation Rainfall is a success in a very major aspect as we finally get a "trailer" for Pandora's Tower.

Now, while Xenoblade Chronicles will be coming to North America in April and the announcement of The Last Story coming to the US this year, Europe will get the first taste. Still, if Pandora's Tower doesn't get a US release, at least the game has an English iteration and that is surely better than having it in Japanese only.

This isn't really a trailer nor would I call it a real teaser but the video shows what looks to be the collector's edition of Pandora's Tower. Pretty standard fare, steelbook case, a copy of the game, and a dinky art books. Very similar to The Last Story's CE with the exception of the game's OST being included.

Alright Wii owners, we got what we wanted. Rejoice!


Nintendo, Why Won't You Let Me Give You My Money? - Fan Plea

Andrew Eisen puts up a good argument against Nintendo on why they should localize the Operation Rainfall games to North America. We have hard earned money and we want to give it to Nintendo. Right now. Nintendo can't seem to take a hint.

He kind of sounds like Agent Smith noh? He also kind of looks like Sabertooh from X-Men Origins.

Nintendo of America heard us and responded

Operation Rainfall is gaining a lot of buzz about their battle of wanting The Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower localized, Nintendo of America finally heard the fans. They reposnded by posting a status on their Facebook page that said this.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm. We promised an update, so here it is. We never say “never,” but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time. Thanks so much for your passion, and for being such great fans!"

Real dick move Nintendo (of America). Not cool.