All You Need to Know About Path of Exile 2’s Supporter Packs and Early Access
/Path of Exile 2 is the most anticipated action RPG this year as it’s finally entering early access, giving those who purchased a Supporter Pack access to the free-to-play game before it “officially” goes live. Here’s the breakdown of the different packs made available by developer Grinding Gear Games and what is available during the game’s early access period.
Path of Exile 2 Supporter Packs Details
There are six packs available with an additional pack exclusive to PlayStation players. The cheapest one gives you an early access key and a few bonuses, everything else gives you more cosmetic goodies and premium currency.
Path of Exile 2 Early Access Supporter ($30)
300 Points
Extended Digital Soundtrack Download
Path of Exile 2 Early Access or Path of Exile 2 Key
Path of Exile 2 Lord of Ogham Supporter ($60)
600 Points
Lord of Ogham Supporter Forum Title
Lord of Ogham Portrait Frame
Extended Digital Soundtrack Download
Path of Exile 2 Early Access or Path of Exile 2 Key
Lord of Ogham Armour Pack
Lord of Ogham Back Attachment
Baby Crowbell Pet
The Rust King Portal Effect
Iron Count's Zweihander
Lord of Ogham Kiwi Pet
Commemorative Hillock Statue Hideout Decoration
Path of Exile 2 King of Faridun Supporter ($100)
King of the Faridun Armour Pack
Lord of Ogham Armour Pack
King of the Faridun Back Attachment
Lord of Ogham Back Attachment
Baby Crowbell Pet
The Rust King Portal Effect
Iron Count's Zweihander
King of the Faridun Kiwi Pet
Lord of Ogham Kiwi Pet
Commemorative Vaal Oversoul Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Hillock Statue Hideout Decoration
The Dreadnought Hideout
Tyranny's End Spear Skin
Faridun's Glory Bow Skin
Deshret's Blessing Level-up Extra Effect
Path of Exile 2 Thaumaturge of the Vaal Supporter ($160)
1600 Points
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Supporter Forum Title
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Portrait Frame
King of the Faridun Portrait Frame
Lord of Ogham Portrait Frame
Extended Digital Soundtrack Download
+1 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key
Path of Exile 2 Early Access or Path of Exile 2 Key
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Armour Pack
King of the Faridun Armour Pack
Lord of Ogham Armour Pack
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Back Attachment
King of the Faridun Back Attachment
Lord of Ogham Back Attachment
Baby Crowbell Pet
The Rust King Portal Effect
Iron Count's Zweihander
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Kiwi Pet
King of the Faridun Kiwi Pet
Lord of Ogham Kiwi Pet
Commemorative Dominus Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Vaal Oversoul Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Hillock Statue Hideout Decoration
The Dreadnought Hideout
Tyranny's End Spear Skin
Faridun's Glory Bow Skin
Deshret's Blessing Level-up Extra Effect
Soulcore Weapon Effect
Doryani's Idol Focus or Shield Skin
Wand of the Thaumaturge Skin
Royal Sacrifical Dagger Skin
Path of Exile 2 Logo T-Shirt
(Optional) 160 Points instead of physical items
Path of Exile 2 Warlord of the Karui Supporter ($240)
2400 Points
Warlord of the Karui Supporter Forum Title
Warlord of the Karui Portrait Frame
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Portrait Frame
King of the Faridun Portrait Frame
Lord of Ogham Portrait Frame
Extended Digital Soundtrack Download
+1 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key
+1 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key
Path of Exile 2 Early Access or Path of Exile 2 Key
Warlord of the Karui Armour Pack
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Armour Pack
King of the Faridun Armour Pack
Lord of Ogham Armour Pack
Warlord of the Karui Alternate Helmet
Warlord of the Karui Back Attachment
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Back Attachment
King of the Faridun Back Attachment
Lord of Ogham Back Attachment
Baby Crowbell Pet
The Rust King Portal Effect
Iron Count's Zweihander
Warlord of the Karui Kiwi Pet
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Kiwi Pet
King of the Faridun Kiwi Pet
Lord of Ogham Kiwi Pet
Commemorative Malachai Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Dominus Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Vaal Oversoul Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Hillock Statue Hideout Decoration
The Dreadnought Hideout
Tyranny's End Spear Skin
Faridun's Glory Bow Skin
Deshret's Blessing Level-up Extra Effect
Soulcore Weapon Effect
Doryani's Idol Focus or Shield Skin
Wand of the Thaumaturge Skin
Royal Sacrifical Dagger Skin
Karui Totemcaller Rare Finisher Effect
Ancestral Canoe Crafting Bench Decoration
Akoya's Felling Axe Skin
Tukohama's Crusher Mace Skin
Path of Exile 2 Logo Hoodie
Path of Exile 2 Logo T-Shirt
(Optional) 660 Points instead of physical items
Path of Exile 2 Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter ($480)
4800 Points
Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter Forum Title
Liberator of Wraeclast Portrait Frame
Warlord of the Karui Portrait Frame
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Portrait Frame
King of the Faridun Portrait Frame
Lord of Ogham Portrait Frame
Extended Digital Soundtrack Download
+2 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Keys
+1 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key
+1 Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key
Path of Exile 2 Early Access or Path of Exile 2 Key
Liberator of Wraeclast Armour Pack
Warlord of the Karui Armour Pack
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Armour Pack
King of the Faridun Armour Pack
Lord of Ogham Armour Pack
Liberator of Wraeclast Helmet Attachment
Warlord of the Karui Alternate Helmet
Liberator of Wraeclast Back Attachment
Warlord of the Karui Back Attachment
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Back Attachment
King of the Faridun Back Attachment
Lord of Ogham Back Attachment
Baby Crowbell Pet
Window to Twilight Portal Effect
The Rust King Portal Effect
Iron Count's Zweihander
Liberator of Wraeclast Kiwi Pet
Warlord of the Karui Kiwi Pet
Thaumaturge of the Vaal Kiwi Pet
King of the Faridun Kiwi Pet
Lord of Ogham Kiwi Pet
Commemorative Kitava Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Malachai Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Dominus Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Vaal Oversoul Statue Hideout Decoration
Commemorative Hillock Statue Hideout Decoration
Beacon of Salvation Hideout
The Dreadnought Hideout
Tyranny's End Spear Skin
Faridun's Glory Bow Skin
Deshret's Blessing Level-up Extra Effect
Soulcore Weapon Effect
Doryani's Idol Focus or Shield Skin
Wand of the Thaumaturge Skin
Royal Sacrifical Dagger Skin
Karui Totemcaller Rare Finisher Effect
Ancestral Canoe Crafting Bench Decoration
Akoya's Felling Axe Skin
Tukohama's Crusher Mace Skin
Deliverance Crossbow Skin
Justice Flail Skin
Redemption Shield Skin
Light of Divinity Sceptre Skin
Throne of the Ruler Map Device
Path of Exile 2 Art Book
Path of Exile 2 Logo Hoodie
Path of Exile 2 Logo T-Shirt
Twilight Order Reliquary Submission
(Optional) 960 Points instead of physical items
Early Access Content
Players can choose from six classes to start in the early access portion of the game with two ascendancy classes, which are advanced classes for end-game progression. GGG stated that more classes are said to be added in the future.
Fast, furious, and deadly. Get in and out of combat swiftly with the Monk, who wields the Quarterstaff, or throw punches in quick succession Unarmed. The Monk has many mechanics that involve building up to help keep momentum in combat, which is helpful for boss fights.
Ascendancy Classes
The Invoker wields elements with ease to utilize its power to become an Elemental Avatar. The Invoker is also a master of the Spirit, which allows him to use many abilities without lifting a finger.
The Acolyte of Chayula: Exchanges mastery of Spirit for Darkness, a resource that can be utilized to absorb and deal damage. Summoning power from the Breach, he trades elemental affinity for Chaos.
Prefer a slower-paced but harder-hitting melee? The tough Warrior is the quintessential slam character who can dish out significant, chunky attacks to smaller enemies and break the armor of others.
Ascendancy Classes
The Titan focuses on stuns, slams, and beefy defense. Call upon your ancestors to boost your slams. Push your enemies to the ground and shrug off any attack.
This fearsome frontline fighter conjures ancestral spirits to pummel his foes and has a voice so powerful his Warcries can detonate his fallen enemies.
The Ranger has a few tricks up her sleeve and can shoot while on the go. With numerous escape skills in her arsenal, experience great swiftness and mobility with the Ranger in combat.
Ascendancy Classes
This expert marksman can take down foes with style. She moves as fast as the wind and can nock additional arrows with every draw.
The Pathfinder is a master of flasks and poison. She can turn mana potions into chemical weapons and stack poisons to her heart’s content.
The Mercenary wields a deadly crossbow that can be loaded with different ammo types, offering versatility, power, and mobility.
Ascendancy Classes
The Witchhunter specializes in taking down the most deadly of foes. With extra defenses against magic, and the ability to break the concentration of his enemies, he is ideally suited for slaughtering spellcasters.
The Gemling Legionnaire
Enhance your abilities by embedding Gems directly into your flesh. The Gemling Legionnaire can use more skills than any other class, and the more he uses, the more powerful he becomes.
Summon an army of undead minions to your bidding. The Witch can cast powerful chaos spells and cause damage over time to her enemies - fans of the character may find that they’ll be able to summon more minions this time.
Ascendancy Classes
Blood Mage
Become a master of life energy. The Blood Mage uses her own life as a resource to bring destruction to her enemies.
Infernalist transcends the need for mana, instead building heat as she casts spells. With an Infernal hound at her side, she can even become a demon.
Bending elements to her will, the Sorceress unleashes devastation and mayhem on her foes through elemental magic. This classic spellcaster weaves a flurry of elemental magic from afar.
Ascendancy Classes
Become a master of the elements who can cast faster, hit harder, chill, and shock enemies en masse. The Stormweaver can even conjure devastating Elemental Storms.
The Chronomancer wields powerful temporal magic to reset cooldowns, slow enemies in her presence, and even freeze time.
Early Access Content
The early access of Path of Exile 2 is looking rather large as players will have three complete Acts to go through with Endgame content that can push you to level your character to the max level of 100.
In the normal difficulty, players can expect to go through all three Acts once they reach roughly level 45. They can then go through all three Acts again in Cruel difficulty as finish the early access Acts should push your character roughly at level 65. From there, the true endgame grind begins.
Cruel difficulty is currently a placeholder as GGG intends to remove the difficulty as they add more Acts into the game.
Beyond the content found in all three Acts, players can expect a variety of different activities and systems during early access.
Trial of the Sekhemas
Ascension in Path of Exile 2 requires the completion of great Trials, which you’ll find as you progress through the campaign. The Trial of Sekhemas is a grueling gauntlet with rogue-like mechanics to test your Strength, Will, Cunning, and Patience. Each room has its challenges to overcome and rewards to claim. On each floor, players have to fight powerful bosses that will test their limitations.
The Trial of Sekhemas scales into the end game, adding more content, progression mechanics, unique rewards, and player power that can only be gained from the Trial.
The Trial of the Chaos God
While exploring the Vaal Jungle, players will discover the Temple of Chaos, which introduces another way of Ascending in Path of Exile 2. Entry to the Trial requires a token from a strange entity known only as the Trialmaster. As you enter each room of the Trial, the Trialmaster will fill it with hazards to test your commitment. After each room, you will need to make a choice. Take the rewards you have earned so far, or go double or nothing, increase your rewards, but take on more risk.
Kalguurans settlers have discovered ancient burial sites with lost Verisium artifacts, and they want you to help dig them up—with explosives.
The Kalguurans have marked the locations where the relics can be found. Place explosives as best you can to dig up as many as possible. There is one problem: corruption has brought the corpses of their ancestors to life, so you might have to do a minor cleanup before you can reclaim the artifacts. You can also find Remnants, the destruction of which will further anger the restless dead. Each one you blow up will make subsequent monsters more powerful but also more rewarding.
Ritual Altars are sacrificial sites built by the mysterious King in the Mists.
Ritual Altars demand tribute. Every monster you slaughter in the circle will feed the Altar. After the
sacrifice, touch it to begin the ritual. The monsters you just killed will be resurrected by the King in the Mists’ dark magic, and you must fight to survive.
The tribute you have offered to the altar can then be spent to buy powerful items.
Some maps have been touched by insanity. A mysterious entity has taken a special interest in you. Step through the looking glass, and you will find your nightmares coming to life.
When you touch a Mirror, the mists of Delirium will spread out across the area, infecting your mind. You must stay within the mist to maintain the nightmare - which is as profitable as it is terrifying. Everything you kill will increase the rewards that drop. However, the deeper into the mist you travel, the stronger the monsters are. Be careful not to overstay your welcome.
While mapping, you might come across a giant Fortress with a pillar of flame and ash rising from the centre that has emerged from underground. It is surrounded by an enormous maze riddled with danger.
Just like the first game, Path of Exile 2 will be receiving unique game systems to spice up the gameplay as the action RPG evolves. Above is what will be available at the start of early access.
Path of Exile 2’s early access is set to launch on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC through Steam and Epic Games Store. The game is a free-to-play title when it officially launches, but for now, eager players will have to consider at least $30 to play the game’s current build starting December 7, 2024.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.