Complete Guide to All Exotic Weapons and Armors in Destiny 2's The Final Shape Expansion
/Destiny 2’s upcoming expansion called The Final Shape is just around the corner, and if you’re all about growing your exotic collection in the game here are the confirmed exotics coming in The Final Shape.
This list is not final and is a growing list that will be updated as Bungie provides more information and the community discovers new items to hunt for within the expansion.
This list comes with the new exotic armor and weapons.
Destiny 2 The Final Shape Exotic Armor List
Speaker’s Sight - Warlock Helmet Exotic Armor
This exotic helmet for the Warlocks allows players to take a healing support role with this armor piece. With The Lost Voice armor perk, healing grenades will not only heal but also spawn a Resorative Turret that will not only shoot to heal allies but occasionally spawn an Orb of Power.
Wishful Ignorance - Titan Gauntlets Exotic Armor
If you’re a titan that loves using Frenzied Blade or even Flechette Storm in the Strand subclass, you’re gonna love the Wishful Ignorance exotic as this focuses on improving that aspect..
With the Wish-Dragon’s Talons armor perk, the titan gains an additional Frenzied Blade charge. It also increases the damage of Frenzied Blade and Flechette Storm after every strike. The exotic piece will also synergize well with the Banner of War Aspect as you get melee energy based on the number of allies healed from the effect.
Balance of Power - Hunter Legs Exotic Armor
Strand Hunters will get to play more with a focus on Threadlings as the new Balance of Power exotic leg armor comes with the Double Down armor perk, which increases the duration of your Threaded Specter and its durability. Damaging it will then release additional Threadlings.
As an added bonus, you staying near your Threaded Specter will not make your Hunter appear in the radar.
Mataidoxia - Warlock Chest Exotic Armor
This Strand exotic piece gives Warlocks another method in playing around with suspending enemies. The armor perk Stylostixis allows enemies damaged by your Arcane Needle to emit a suspending detonation, it then lands multiple Arcane Needles on the same target which immediately triggers a bigger explosion.
Defeating suspended enemies will also give you melee energy and Arcane Needles will be stronger against Barrier Champions.
Gifted Conviction - Hunter Chest Exotic Armor
This exotic piece is for Arc Hunters as the armor perk The Gift of Certainty will throw bouncing explosives at nearby targets that will also jolt them when you use either Ascension or Tempest Strike.
Jolting nearby targets also grant you damage resistance for added survivability.
Hazardous Propulsion - Titan Chest Exotic Armor
Triggering your class ability will trigger this exotic chest armor’s perk called Danger Close, which allows you to fire Exodus rockets. Those hit by these rockets will then temporarily increase the damage you deal with all other rockets.
But it looks like the rockets need to be loaded before using your class ability as the perk says weapon precision hits or final bows have a chance to load a Kinetic Exodus rocket. You can load up to six rockets.
Destiny 2 The Final Shape Exotic Weapons List
Khvostov 7G-0X Exotic Auto Rife
One of the first guns you get as Destiny player is being reworked into an exotic auto rifle with an intrinsic trait called The Right Choice, which allows every seventh bullet to deal additional damage and ricochets to nearby targets. It will likely bounce seven times as Bungie has a history of injecting the number seven in their games.
Still Hunt Exotic Sniper Rife
This exotic sniper rifle comes equipped as a walking Golden Gun as its intrinsic trait called Cayde’s Retribution will allow players to fire Golden Gun shots when the weapon’s Super bar is fully charged. You can charge the weapon by you picking up Orbs of Power or land precision hits.
The sniper also comes with a weapon perk called Sharpshooter, which allows the weapon to gain passive bonuses to target acquisition, aim down speed, and flinch resistance. This bonuses increases when Still Hunt’s super mode is active.
Microcosm Exotic Trace Rife
This exotic kinetic trace rifle with an intrinsic trait called the Paracausal Beam, which fires a kinetic light that is said to deal “massive” bonus damage to shields.
It also has a weapon perk called Paracausal Imbuement, which provides Super energy from final blows. The Microcosm will also gain bonus damage once you use your character’s super.
Red Death Reformed Exotic Puse Rife
Another Destiny 1 classic returns to Destiny 2. The Red Death Reformed comes as a support weapon with an intrinsic trait called Redemption, which makes final blows with Red Death to trigger the Cure effect on you and increase the weapon’s reload speed. Reloading after final bows will also trigger the cure effect on nearby allies.
The weapon perk in the third column of Red Death is called Inverse Relationship and this reads:
When you deal damage with this weapon, it gains increased handling, takes reduced flinch, and movement speed is creased for a short time.
When you are at reduced health, this weapon deals additional damage.

Exotic Class Items for each Class
Each class running the Prismatic subclass will be able to equip an Exotic Class Item that will come with two exotic armor perks. These are randomized, so players will be farming for the right exotic armor perk combinations for their preferred Prismatic build in The Final Shape expansion.
Destiny 2’s The Final Shape expansion consists beyond these new exotic gear. There’s a variety of changes coming as well as quality-of-life improvements, so be sure to check out what I think is the most significant changes coming to the looter shooter.
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