Destiny 2 Season of Defiance Weekly Reset - What's Happening in Week 7

This week’s reset in Destiny 2’s Season of Defiance (Season 20) is a bit juicy. Week 7 features the return of Grandmaster Nightfalls with the ability to earn new Chiphers that will be needed to focus the week’s featured Adept weapon.

Destiny 2 - Season of Defiance Week 7

Grandmaster Nightfall is back!

Grandmaster Nightfall is back and features The Ordeal: Proving Grounds event. This is the best time to farm this game mode as this week features double rewards for Nightfall activities. Not only that, Grandmaster now gives you the ability to focus on the featured Adept weapon for the week. It’s rather costly though as you’ll need 1 Vanguard Engram, 2,000 Legendary Shards, 50,000 Glimmer, and 10 Nightfall Ciphers.

To get a Nightfall Cipher, you simply need to complete a Grandmaster Nightfall. The amount you get at the end of the activity depends on your performance as it seems that at max you can earn up to two per event.

Is it worth the grind? You be the judge as the featured weapon is Hung Jury SR4 and it’s Adept version for Grandmaster.

Featured Raid and Dungeon for Week 7

Week 7 features The Last Wish, which all challenges for that raid will be available, so this week would be the best time to scratch that off your list for the Riven’s Bane Seal. Also, if you’re still doing the Pinnacle grind, Grasp of Avarice is the featured Dungeon that scores you a Pinnacle reward for completion.

Spray and Pray emote available for Bright Dust

The Bright Dust store for this week isn’t particularly interesting in my eyes except for one emote that is just too hard to miss. The Spray and Pray emote is available this week for 3,250 Bright Dust and it’s just a fantastic emote to have in your collection.

Trails of Osiris returns again

Another week for Trials, and if you still haven’t scored the proper Immortal roll, now would be another good time to get it. The Adept you can earn this week is the Astral Horizon (Adept) shotgun.

Lost Sectors for Week 7

If you’re looking to delve into the Lost Sector grind for specific Exotics, here’s what to expect this week so you can plan accordingly. You can check out the full list of what to expect on each Lost Sector here

April 11 - Bunker E15

Rewards: Legs

April 12 - The Conflux

Rewards: Arms

April 13 - Thrilladrome

Rewards: Chest

April 14 - Hydroponics Delta

Rewards: Helm

April 15 - Gilded Precept

Rewards: Legs

April 16 - Excavation Site XII

Rewards: Arms

April 17 - Skydock IV

Rewards: Chest

April 18 - The Quarry

Rewards: Helm