Destiny 2 Season of the Deep Weekly Reset - What is Happening in Week 1
/It’s finally here. Season of Defiance is behind us as Destiny 2 is now on season 21, also known as the Season of the Deep. Week 1 is live and here is a rundown of the new content that you should know in the first week of the season. There’s a lot and I likely missed some of them, so visit back as we learn more about this new season.
Destiny 2 - Season of the Deep Week 1
New Lightfall Campaign Mission - Parting the Veil
This season adds new Fragments for the Strand Subclass, which can be obtained by completing the new Parting the Veil campaign mission. Simply head back to Neomuna to start the quest. Once you are done with Season of the Deep’s introduction mission, you should get the notification for this mission.
Once you finish the mission, head back to the Pouka Pond to earn the new Fragment for your class
New Seasonal Ornaments
Each season features a new line of ornaments for select armor and weapons. For those new to Destiny 2, Ornaments are simply cosmetic items for the game, giving certain gear unique art styles and interactions.
This season, we have a lot to choose from. To name a few, we have PlayStation collaboration armor sets for all three classes, Ornaments for Sunshot, MIDA Multi-Tool, Arbalest, Monte Carlo, Quicksilver Storm, Winterbite, and the Roots of Nightmare raid exotic weapon the Conditional Finality.
There are also unique legendary armor ornaments that if paired with a specific exotic piece, it will emit a unique animation. Here’s what the community has found out so far.
Deep Hydra Hunter Ornament paired with Star-Eater Scales Exotic armor - unique glow
Heartrend Titan Ornament paired with Heart of inmost light - More glow at the chest area.
Hart of Steel Warlock Ornament paired with The Stag - a more profound pair of horns in the helm.
Titan is back as this seasonal setting
Titan is back and is the focus of this Season of Deep’s seasonal story. Titan is still not a new Destination to do open-world activities like the other planets but the stage for the six-man seasonal activity, where you get to go underwater to salvage items needed to progress the story. There is also a three-man seasonal activity called Deep Dives. Both give rewards associated to this season and will contribute to the seasonal reputation.
You can earn six Deepsight Harmonizers in the Season Pass
The Season Pass in the Season of the Deep has a new item in its rewards track, and it’s called Deepsight Harmonizers. These items allow you to earn one pattern to craftable rain weapons, and select weapons that can be crafted. It is said that Deepsight Harmonizers can be used on non-raid weapons with craftable versions, but only weapons sold by Xur and the Gunsmith.
Take note, a single use of Deepsight Harmonizer gives you only one pattern, it does not unlock the craftable version of that weapon.
For the season, there are three Deepsight Harmonizers on the free reward track and three more in the premium reward track. So far, the Season Pass is the only way to earn this new resource.
The Season of the Deep Exotic Weapon is the Centrifuse
The exotic seasonal weapon for Season 21 is an Arc assault rifle called the Centrifuse. It’s all about moving forward as running will slowly reload the weapon and build a charge that with enough build up it will improve the gun’s reload and range. At a high charge, final blows with this weapon will cause Arc explosions. At max, these explosions will also cause blind to enemies nearby.
It’s pretty fun to use so far and fits perfectly with the perks found in the new Artifact. Arc is looking good so far.
Rainmaker and Finest Matterweave can now be converted into resources
If you have an abundance of Rainmaker and Finest Matterweave stored in your inventory, you are in luck. You can now convert them to resources. Each use of the Finest Matterweave instantly gives you an Enhancement Core, while a single Rainmaker earns you 3,000 Glimmer.
It’s taking to consume them one by one, but thankfully it no longer acts like a buff.
New Last Rite Scout rifle is this season’s vendor reward
Visit the Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit vendors and you’ll notice the new Last Rite Kinetic Scout Rifle, which features the new perk added this season called Reconstruction, a perk that slowly refills the ammo of that weapon up to double the total capacity.
Is the weapon good? We’ll report back once we get it, but the new perk is definitely interesting if found in other weapon types.
New exotic quests from Ikora
When you visit Ikora this season you’ll notice she has three exotic quests to give you. These quests are rather easy and simply let you earn three exotics armors depending on your chosen class.
For Titans, you can earn the exotic Heart of Inmost Light chest piece, the exotic Dunemarchers leg piece, and the exotic Synthoceps. For Warlocks, you can earn the Crown of Tempest exotic helm, the Starfire Protocol exotic chest, and the Contraverse Hold exotic arm.
And finally, Hunters can get Young Ahamkara exotic gloves, the Graviton Forfeit exotic helm, and the Sixth Coyote exotic chest armor.
Based on the description of each exotic quest, this is another way Bungie is teaching new players on certain concepts like Jolt in the Arc subclass. For veterans, doing these quests gives you another chance at possibly a better roll for that particular exotic.
There’s now fishing in the game!
Yes! After you finish the seasonal activity for the first time you are given a quest to go to Hawthorne as she will tasks you to earn bait by doing various activities in the game like playlists or the seasonal activity. There’s apparently fishing spots found in the EDZ, Throne Room, and Nessus. We’ll report back if fishing is worth the time.
Earn patterns for The Last Wish weapons each week
The Last Wish raid and all the unique weapons inside now have craftable versions, and you can obtain them by completing the ‘O Deepsite of Mine’ quest each week to earn weapon patterns. This quest simply requires you to beat all encounters, so you simply have to complete the raid.
Once you complete the quest, you can then earn weapon patterns for the Pulse Rifle Chattering Bone and the Scout Rifle Transfiguration.
There are now Seasonal Bonuses
There’s a new page in the Seasonal Challenges section of Destiny 2’s menu and it’s called Seasonal Bonuses. This is the replacement of the seasonal vendor upgrades as completing these seasonal bonuses unlocks specific perks for your character. For example, to unlock the ability to focus seasonal weapons, you need to loot at least six of the new seasonal weapons. There’s ten in total.
There’s a lot to take in. But don’t forget that Bungie did a few changes to a variety of things in the game, such as adjustments to subclass abilities, weapon adjustments, and exotic armor adjustments.
Assassin’s Creed Shadows greatly blends the classic Assassin’s Creed stealth with the RPG elements of recent entries. Its dynamic world, seasonal changes, and improved stealth mechanics make exploration a joy, but Yasuke’s restrictive gameplay, overall story, and a half-baked notoriety system hold it back.