Destiny 2 Xur location and What he's selling on September 24-28
/Destiny 2 has a weekly vendor named Xur, Agent of the Nine and this week he back at the EDZ for September 24, 2022 with a fresh list of items for sale. Here’s a quick rundown guide of what he’s selling and where to find him as it’s an interesting line up of gear this weekend.
Where is Xur, Agent of the Nine on September 24, 2022
Xur, Agent of the Nine is located in Winding Cove in the EDZ. When you enter the area, just head straight to the wrecked ketch.
What is Xur selling this time?
Exotic Weapons
Vigilance Wing (Pulse Rifle)
A fantastic pulse rifle for PVP. If you do crucible often and have not owned or tried a Vigilance Wing, you’re missing out.
Hawkmoon (Hand Cannon)
Column 1: Chambered Compensator
Column 2: Alloy Magazine
Column 3: Hip-fire Grip
Column 4: Smooth Grip
Dead Man’s Tale (Scout Rifle)
Column 1: Polygonal Rifling
Column 2: Accurizing Rounds
Column 3: Fourth's Time the Charm
Column 4: Hand-laid Stock
Exotic Armor
Raiden Flux (Hunter Chest)
MOB 4, RES 17, REC 12, DIS 2, INT 11, STR 16 (Total 62)
Aeon Safe (Titan Gauntlets)
MOB 8, RES 8, REC 18, DIS 7, INT 16, STR 9 (Total 66)
Lunafaction Boots (Warlock Legs)
MOB 2, RES 13, REC 17, DIS 2, INT 16, STR 12, (Total 62)
Legendary Weapons

Legendary Armor
The armor Xur sells is nothing particularly special but worth having a look as you might be able to pick up that perfect piece with the right stat allocation for your preferred build. For this week, there’s some pieces worth considering as we have some rocking 20 stats.



Exotic engrams
Once a week, you can test your luck in earning a random exotic from Xûr by spending 97 Legendary Shards, any more beyond your first purchase will require an Exotic Cipher, which we don’t recommend as you can use that to unlock an exotic of your choice in the Exotic Archives near the Tower vaults.
Exotic Cipher
If you are in need of Exotic Ciphers, you can do the quest Xûr offers, which tasks you in completing Vanguard playlist activities and win in Crucible or in Gambit.
How long will Xûr be around?
Xûr will be around from September 24, 2022 until the game’s weekly reset (Tuesday 17:00 UTC), which is on September 28. Xûr will reappear in the game on a random location with a fresh list of items for sale every Friday at 17:00 UTC.