Ratatan Kickstarter Campaign Reaches 18 Stretch Goals, Livestream Announced
/Developer Ratata Arts announced that the Kickstarter campaign for the Patapon spiritual successor game Ratatan is doing extremely well as with less than 48 hours left in the campaign, they’ve cleared 18 stretch goals with over $1.2 million in pledges from over 12,300 backers.
This makes the Ratata Kickstarter campaign the 42nd most funded video game Kickster of all time for the crowdfunding site.
With that many stretch goals reached, Ratatan will also launch with an online mode, a secret ending, additional language support, a console version, and more. There are only two stretch goals left with one of them adding room and base customization features if the campaign surpasses $1.3 million.
The Campaign started with a goal of ~$137,000.
Ratatan Campaign Closing Stream Announced
To celebrate the end of the Ratatan campaign, the developers will host a Twitch livestream on September 1, 8 AM EST / 5 AM PST. The stream will feature Ratatan developers and special guests:
Special Appearances
Haruna Yuzuki (Guest)
Tsutomu Kouno (Guest)
David Wise (Guest)
Kemmei Adachi (Guest)
Development Team
Hiroyuki Kotani (Game Designer)
Kenei Nakasha (Director)
Toshiyuki Yasui (Executive Director)
Kazuto Sakajiri (Producer)
The stream will also provide new information about the game, its latest progress, future roadmap, fan participating events, and more.
The rhythm action game Ratatan was officially announced by the Ratata Arts team back in the Bitsummit Let’s Go event in Kyoto, Japan in July.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.