Retail store challenges customers to earn the Platinum trophy of Elden Ring in 2 weeks

Update 1: it seems not many were keen with the challenge and have extended the deadline from March 11 to March 18, now making it 3 weeks to pull it off.

The first prize was also adjust from P2,500 to P3,000 now with…”bragging rights”.

If someone does pull it off and wins the first prize, bravo. But i’ll say this again - enjoy the game at your own pace, the game can be stressful already due to it’s difficulty.

Game One PH and i.Tech, a gaming retail store in the Philippines, is challenging their PlayStation customers to earn the platinum trophy of Elden Ring as the fastest players to earn the trophy in two weeks will earn a reward. That’s insane.

For those unfamiliar with the PlayStation trophy system, trophies are given out to players in their account when they’ve achieved a specific goal in a game. When you’ve earned all trophies in a particular game you are rewarded its platinum trophy. In most games, earning its platinum trophy signifies that you’ve done everything the game has to offer. 

For what they are asking in a short amount of time seems impossible considering I'm now over 40 hours into the game and have not even seen the credits. The game is so gigantic that it will take more than two weeks to fully complete, especially since many are still jumping in and guides online aren’t complete. 

For comparison, How Long to Beat states that completionists on Dark Souls 3 take close to 100 in-game hours to fully complete the game in its entirety. Elden Ring could take that long, maybe longer since this is From Software’s biggest game to date. 

The trophy list is now visible to the public and it’s just like previous Souls games. You’ll have to acquire every legendary talisman, every legendary spell, every legendary weapon, and pretty much beat all bosses available in the game. Finding these specific gears and spells I feel is where most of the time will be spent.

This is also a soulslike game, so it will be tough as nails, especially when you’re going in blind. 

To make things a little bit more absurd is the rewards for earning such a feat. The first customer who earns the platinum trophy and reaches first place will earn a measly P2,500 in the form of a gift certificate that can only be used in their store. Second place will earn you a 40 SGD PSN gift card, and third place will earn you a PS Plus 3 months subscription card for SG accounts. 

For earning the platinum trophy in that short amount of time I would think a bigger prize would have been in order. Maybe inducted into the hall of fame for everyone to see. Maybe win a PS5 controller, something to really feel the accomplishment after an unhealthy grind. For those not residing in the Philippines, P2,500 is less than a brand new game in the Philippines as PS5 titles go for around 3,000+ depending on the title. 

You can give it a shot if you bought the game from them, but I do suggest you take your time and pretty much enjoy what the developers have created as it’s something special. I don’t think this is possible at all as you have until February 25 to March 11 to earn the platinum trophy. I will definitely keep track of how the contest went down because it would be an amazing feat to pull off. I just hope the winners are okay after all of it. Will there be winners?