Starfield Bug Allows You To Take All Items From a Vendor for Free in Akila City
/Starfield is a great Bethesda game and many can argue that this is probably the studio’s least bugged game at launch. But that doesn’t mean it’s bug-free though as players have found an exploit allowing you to grab all the items from a vendor for free in Akila City.
We tried the bug ourselves and as of September 13, 2023, it still works.
How to get items from a vendor for free in Akila City
The exploit is rather easy to do as it involves you grabbing all the items from the general store in the city, specifically the items from store manager Emerson Shepherd.
Head to the General Store, which can be found to your left once you enter the city. The exploit is right in front of the store as you just have to point your cursor at the right spot to access the store’s items.
With the General store’s entrance behind your character, you’ll see puddles of water in front you, which is shown in the image below.
The puddle to the left is where the access to the store’s items can be found. Simply go there crouched and wait for the prompt to appear (Shown in image below). This will take a few tries to get used to it, I also find it easier if done in the third person.
Once you got it, simply grab any or all the items found in the list without any consequence to do so. You can even sell the items you grabbed back to the store owner for some free credits.
It’s an easy exploit that isn’t even a one-time deal as you can wait 24-48 in-game hours for the store to restock credits and items and do it all over again for free.
It’s a fresh bug that Bethesda will likely fix in a future patch, but for now, if you want to get a good source of free credits and items in your playthrough, head to Akila City pronto!
We will update this page if they decide to patch this bug.
For added reference, you can see the bug in action below from JamieMoranUK in Twitter.
Starfield is now available on Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC, Steam, and through Game Pass.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.