Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Free Title Update 5 is now live
/Capcom’s Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak was updated with Version .15, also known as Free Title Update 5. This update adds more content to the game as players have two more Elder Dragons to hunt and new missions to really test their knowledge of the game.
New Elder Dragons
The Elder Dragons coming to Rise are Amatsu and Risen Shagaru Magala which means players have new sets to collect when they’ve successfully hunted these two enough times to get the resources needed.
Here’s a quick description of the new Elder Dragons now in the game.
“This Elder dragon can manipulate the weather and can conjure up unrelenting gales. Amatsu glides through the air on currents they create using their wing membrane, making it look as if they are dancing in the sky. The storms they summon are extremely destructive and can lay entire cities to waste, thus they are known as the "Looming Calamity." When enraged, their storms become even more violent, enveloping the area with unrelenting lighting strikes.”
Risen Shagaru Magala
Risen Shagaru Magala are elder dragons that have found a way to overcome their affliction. By suppressing the Qurio virus, they have gained great strength and new abilities. They release larger quantities of the Frenzy virus, resulting in viral explosions with increased radius. Anything that gets in their way will fall prey to their powerful wingarms. When their anger reaches the peak, the monsters will enter into their Risen state and their body will begin to glow.
Quests to hunt Amatsu will be available at MR 10 or higher while Risen Shagaru Magala quests will appear at MR 180 or higher.
New Anomaly Research Quests
For those looking for new challenges in Monster Hunter Rise, players should keep a lookout for Anomaly Research Quests for Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax and Risen Shagaru Malaga, as it’s considered a tough mission meant to test veteran players.
The Free Update has also risen the level cap for Anomaly Investigations as after the update it will now be up to 300.
New mode – Special Investigations
Special investigations are an additional mode for veteran players still looking for a challenge. If you happen to finish a level 300 quest, you’ll be able to take on Special Investigation missions as it’s considered one of the hardest pieces of content available in the game. Completing it will earn you a special “Badge of Heroes” if you so happen to complete this quest with various monsters.
Lastly, the update adds a new item called the “Quirious Melding”, which you can get by completing the quest associated with the new item.
Capcom isn’t quite done supporting Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak as new event quests are planned in the future to give players a chance to earn new Hunter layered armor, pose sets, and more.
The latest update is for Steam and Nintendo Switch players as Xbox and PlayStation players are still at the base game of Monster Hunter Rise as the expansion is set to launch on April 28.
The next big update, Free Title Update 6 (Ver.16), is expected to launch sometime this June.
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