Texas Chainsaw Massacre Guide - Beginner Tips and Tricks for Both Victims and Family
/Texas Chainsaw Massacre has been out for a while now and has been doing reasonably well off the game as it garnered over 1 million players since it launched on multiple platforms. If you are new to the game, be it as a Victim or being part of the Family, this guide has a few beginner tips and tricks to get you started.
I can’t stress enough how vital communication is for both sides. This is a 4v3 game with voice communication and text chat available. Use these tools as the more information you can give to your whole team the better the chances you will win the match.
Playing as a Victim
Don’t wake up Grandpa at the start of the match
I can’t stress this enough. At the start of the match, Victims have a head start in working towards leaving the basement. If you rush actions, like making noise when looking for lockpicks or slamming doors, Grandpa will prematurely wake up, giving the Family players up top the option to go down to the basement, and you don’t want two killers down with you when there’s no door unlocked.
The only time Grandpa should wake up is when one door is open for the Victims.
Make sure you have multiple basement doors unlocked
Unlocking a basement door is the first hurdle for Victims to come across as Leatherhead chases them around downstairs. One door unlocked is great, but what if you have multiple doors unlocked?
Doing this gives you more options at the tail-end of the match when you find yourself jumping into wells to avoid the family. It also greatly helps to prep these exits as some doors are closer to certain exits like the valve exit or even the basement exit.
You can either ask someone to work on the basement doors as you guys go up or slowly open them up as you get closer to escaping.
Call out where the fuse box or water valve are
This is going to be essential for your team when the opposing team is focused on preventing you from leaving the car battery exit or the generator exit, as those two exits are far easier than the others.
Knowing where the fuse box is and where the water valve is located gives your team the option to work on it instead of spending time finding it themselves.
Play a role, focus on one or two attributes
Do you want the guy to work on the doors or distract the family players by stunning them and getting their attention? Whatever you want to provide for the team be sure to spend most of your attribute points towards making you better at that particular role. Strength is useful for chases and stunning killers longer while proficiency makes unlocking and searching for items much easier.
Avoid bleeding out
When damaged, always pay attention to your life total, especially if its below 30%. When it’s that low your health bar will be slightly red and you will slowly lose health. When this happens you need to find a health item fast.
Mash your way out of the hook at the start of the game
Some players might think it would be best to slowly remove their restraints but weirdly enough it’s highly recommended that you rush your way out the moment the game starts. This is because while you are wiggling out, the Killers are still in a cutscene, so they won’t see the noise notifications from getting out of your restraints. This also gives you a few seconds of time to get your bearing and what’s nearby before you have to worry about Leatherface patrolling the area.
All Victims making noise when wiggling out will not wake up Grandpa.
If found, jump through a well
When you are out of the basement and you are found by any of the killers, make sure you recall where the well locations are as they are your only lifeline if you can’t shake off the killers off your scent. You lose a bit of health for jumping down the well but its better than slowly being hacked away by a killer.
Don’t forget to stab Grandpa
When Grandpa is awake, Family players can take the time to feed Grandpa as every now and then he will let out a scream and reveal any Victim moving. The higher Grandpa’s level becomes, the more often he will scream. If it gets too high, one of the Victims can use a Bone pick to stab Grandpa, effectively turning off his ability to scream for a limited time.
Use traits that highlight key information
For your first hours of the game, make sure you bring traits that will give you information to you and your teammates. Knock Knock and Tool Tracks are great starter traits as one highlights the locked doors after escaping your restraints while the other highlights the toolbox areas for a limited time.
If you are planning to open locks often, bring Exit Strategy as this trait highlights the doors you’ve unlocked for your team.
Playing as part of the Family
Don’t forget to feed Grandpa
Finding the Victims will always be the top priority. With two killers starting above, one can start securing easy exits while the other can start gathering blood. The more blood you feed Grandpa the more information he might provide you in the match with his shouting. never neglect feeding Grandpa.
As Leatherface, be sure to break barricades outside
Once Victims are outside roaming the area, you’ll need to help your team by breaking these barricades Victims can slip through. This is the only obstacle Killers can’t go through unless Leatherface destroys it with his chainsaw. If you haven’t found a Victim, it’s worth spending time destroying
As a Hitchhiker, trap car batteries and generator
The cool thing about The Hitchhiker is that he has three traps he can place. As you play more of the game and understand the maps, you’ll soon place your traps elsewhere, but for now, it would be best to put your traps on the car battery or the generator as this serves as a second obstacle Victims need to deal with when trying to leave through the easiest exits.
As the Cook, you can double-lock doors and gates
As the Cook, you can padlock doors, but what you might forget is that you can padlock doors that are already locked, requiring Victims to pick two locks instead of one to go through.
You can also place your padlocks on key doors that lead to a good portion of the map, like the main door of the Family home or the exit gates protected by either the car battery or generator.
If Victims wake up Grandpa too early with no doors open, go downstairs
When you notice Grandpa waking up and it’s clear no doors were unlocked by Victims, this is your opportunity to help Leatherface look for Victims. The only time Killers above can go down is when Grandpa wakes up.
Always lock the door behind you
As you patrol the area you will sometimes require to go through locked doors. You’ll need to unlock them in order to get through but be sure to close the door and lock it before moving on as you never know, there might be a Victim nearby that could slip through.
You can close the basement exit when it’s open
When exits open and Victims leave, don’t give up. If there are still Victims around you can still make the most out of the match by taking out who’s left, and to make it harder you can close the exit gates already open.
Car battery and Generator exit games can be reactivated and basement exits can be closed by turning off the fuse box. The only exit you have no control over is the valve exit as it just opens for a limited time and will turn off automatically.
To prevent players from activating the valve exit again, patrol the water tank or trap it with either Hitchhiker or Sissy.
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