Meet Yanfei, The Upcoming Character You Can Pull In Genshin Impact Patch 1.5
/MiHoyo just released a new trailer for their free-to-play action RPG Genshin Impact that introduces the character Yanfei, who will be part of the massive 1.5 update launching on April 28, 2021.
Yanfei is a half-iluminated beast and apparently a skilled legal adviser in Liyue. She wields pyro with the use of a catalyst in battle.
Here’s Yanfei’s list of abilities and consolations.
Yanfei Abilities
Seal of Approval (normal attack)
Yan Fei shoots fireballs that deal up to three hits of Pyro damage. When Yanfei’s fireballs hit enemies, they grant her a Scarlet Seal (up to a maximum of three), and every Scarlet Seal held decreases Yanfei’s stamina consumption. Each time this effect is triggered, the duration of any Scarlet Seals currently held is refreshed, and the seals will disappear when she leaves the battlefield.
Charged attack: Deals AoE Pyro damage to opponents after a short casting time. This attack consumes stamina and all of the currently held Scarlet Seals, and every seal consumed increases the charged attack’s AoE range and damage dealt to enemies.
Plunging attack: Yanfei plunges to the ground from mid-air, damaging enemies in her path and dealing AoE Pyro damage upon landing.
Signed Edict (Elemental skill)
Summons flames that deal AoE Pyro damage to nearby enemies. Any opponent hit by the flames grants Yanfei the maximum number of Scarlet Seals.
Done Deal (Elemental Burst)
When used, this burst summons a spray of flames to rush any nearby opponents. These deal AoE Pyro damage and grants her the maximum number of Scarlet Seals, as well as the Brilliance buff. Brilliance gives Yanfei the following bonuses:
Gives Yanfei a Scarlet Seal every few seconds Increases the damage dealt by her charged attack
This effect lasts until Yanfei is swapped out for another character, or falls in battle.
Yanfei Constellations
The Law Knows No Kindness: When Yanfei uses her charged attack, each held Scarlet Seal reduces an additional 10% stamina cost for the charged attack, and increases the resistance against interruption during its release.
Right of Final Interpretation: Increases the critical hit rate for Yanfei’s charged attack by 20% against foes with health under 50%.
Samadhi Fire-Forged: Increases level of Signed Edict by three (to a maximum of 15)
Supreme Amnesty: When Done Deal is used, it creates a shield that absorbs up to 75% of her maximum HP for 15 seconds. It absorbs Pyro damage 250% more effectively.
Abiding Affidavit: Increases level of Done Deal by three (to a maximum of 15)
Extra Clause: Increases the maximum number of Scarlet Seals that can be held by one.
Yanfei Passive Talents
Encyclopaedic Expertise: Displays the location of nearby resources unique to the Liyue region on the mini-map.
Proviso: When Yanfei consumes a Scarlet Seal by using a charged attack, increase Yanfei’s Pyro damage bonus by 5% for six seconds. If this effect is triggered again while the previously triggered Proviso damage bonus is in effect, the new Proviso damage bonus effect will replace the active Proviso damage bonus.
Blazing Eye: When Yanfei’s charged attack deals a critical hit, she will deal additional AoE Pyro damage equal to 80% of her attack, which counts as charged attack damage.
Yanfei is a 4-star character and is said to be part of the upcoming Zhongli event wish banner called Gentry of Hermitage. No details were given to when the banner will go live but it will be considered the first one available once the Genshin Impact 1.5 update goes live on April 28.
In the reveal of the April 2025 season, Second Dinner also announced Snap Packs, a new system replacing the old system of acquiring new cards making it easier for new and returning players to catch up on what they missed.