Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 is now live and will last until January 16

The Awesome Games Done Quick 2022, the annual week-long marathon showcasing amazing speedruns of your favorite games, is back and now live from January 10 until January 16. It’s a charity event where all proceeds go to cancer research and is easily one of the big gaming events to look out for at the start of the year. 

I’ve been an avid spectator of the charity marathon event for years and it’s always a treat to have it in the background as the Games Done Quick community keeps things interesting with unique categories for speedruns such as competitive mario speedruns, no glitch runs, and the like. 

The marathon also does incentives like your donation can determine the cosmetic the player will use in their character during their run, or what ending a speedrunner will pick once they finish a particular game. Other incentives result in you possibly winning new prizes, unlocking unique speedruns, and more. 

The creativity to keep the stream entertaining 24/7 each year is simply an amazing feat that the event last year was able to generate $2.7 million for the Prevent Cancer foundation. The speedrun marathon this year is online only  just like last year due to the ongoing pandemic. 

You can find the full schedule for Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 right here and watch the event via Twitch right now..