Rainbow Six Siege's Void Edge Revealed During Six Invitational 2020
/During the Six Invitational 2020, before Space Station Gaming won 3-2 against Ninjas in Pyjamas, Ubisoft revealed Operation Void Edge, the first Season for Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 5.
Operation Void Edge Starts Year 5
This Spring, Operation Void Edge, Year 5’s first season, will feature two new operators — the Jordanian defender Oryx and the Dutch attacker Iana.
Iana is equipped with a controllable hologram that will look and sound like Iana and delivers a new way to not only scout but distract defenders. Iana needs to stay still while using her device and a single bullet is needed to deactivate the hologram.
Oryx on the other hand has a gadget that has multiple functions. It’s called the Remah Dash and it gives Oryx players the ability to do multiple quick dashes, making him the fastest operator to cover short distances. He can also use these dashes to go through breakable walls but in return damages you and the dash can even knock a shielded operator down, exposing him. And last but not least, the Remah Dash allows Oryx to climb opened hatches, which i’m sure fans would agree is a useful tool.
Oregon map reworked and other game updates
A rework of the classic map Oregon will also go live with Operation Void Edge, and is Ubisoft’s continued effort to freshen up content that have been played over and over again for years.
Other changes players can expect are a tweak in debris replication, the location where attackers’ drone spawn, a revamp in the game’s player hub, and a nerf to defender Lesion and a buff to Twitch.
Lesion will now require a line of sight to his traps in order to see where they are, as compared to before you can clearly see where you placed your traps even through walls, giving the Lesion player a clear idea of a player’s location once they step on their Gu traps. The trap also no longer does an initial damage when stepped on.
Each of Twitch’s drone will still come with 3 taser shots but this time new shots will recharge over time, similar to how Lesion slowly gets new traps to deploy the longer the round plays out.
These changes, the new operators, and the reworked Oregon map is on Siege’s Test Servers. Ubisoft also revealed their plans for Rainbow Six Siege’s future during the Six Invitational 2020.
Despite its aging personality, Two Point Museum is the strongest entry in the series yet. The improved gameplay flow, deeper simulation mechanics, and museum theme provide just the right level of creative freedom and challenge.