Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection For PS4, Xbox One, And PC Set for a June 1 Release

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According to the Ghost ‘n Goblins Resurrection page in the Microsoft Store, the punishing platformer will launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on June 1. In the Microsoft Store, a pre-order will earn you a one-day early access, allowing players to play on March 31.

First released on the Nintendo Switch last February, Ghost ‘n Goblins is the latest entry in the Ghost ‘n Goblins series and brings back the boxer-wearing knight Arthur in a punishing journey that could test your patience and skill due to it being naturally difficult.

The difficulty may be there but it’s actually more accessible than you think as it has 4 different difficulty settings to cater to all kinds of players.

And just like previous Ghost ‘n Goblin games before Resurrection, this game will feature a new game+ of sorts as completing the game will unlock shadow stages, which are altered stages with different enemy times and has a darker tone with a purple hue.

The game will also feature local co-op but no online co-op.